Welcome to Residency Gunnerud!

– Artist in residence and cultural meeting place.


We are situated in the countryside of the province of Värmland in Sweden. Residency Gunnerud started in 2018 on the initiative of Alma Löv Museum of Unexp Art and the company Nira Lant that owns the building. The mission was to create a  a cultural meeting place in this rural area, where there is space to exchange thoughts and ideas, to arrange courses and events, to offer cultural practitioners a common working place and to create a residency for artists from all over the world.


The residency house is a former retirement home, Gunnerudsgården. In this big beautiful stone building with three floors, there are both working space for artists located in Värmland and there are several extra rooms for artists from all artistic fields who can stay longer and shorter period, depending on the project. 


Our vision is to create a a symbolic place for the development of art with a non-commercial purpose. We want to make an exchange of competence and knowledge that exists in the area with the experiences from national and international artists. Our mission is to support and enhance the creativity of artists and exchange of ideas by providing uninterrupted time for work, reflection and collegial interaction in a peaceful setting in the countryside of Sweden.  

Dear colleagues and friends! Residency Gunneurd artist in residence in Sweden is part of the network SWAN and Artists at Risk. 

Read more and apply on artistsatrisk.org

Important information

Residence Gunnerud collaborates with a number of different actors to carry out residency stays. We are a non-profit organization and unfortunately we currently do not have the opportunity to award scholarships or grants for residencies. But collaborations can be initiated through support from, among others Iaspis, regions or other institutions. The residency stays can be arranged in several ways: 

Open calls

Every year we make a few open calls that we publish on our website. Here it is possible to apply for a specific project and the funding is already arranged. 

Proposals from the artist

If you have an idea for a project you would like to realize here then we can see if there are ways to apply for a grant. If you have a project idea you want to develop and implement here in connection with a residency, you are welcome to contact us. Describe your idea, send with a CV / website and describe how the project will be implemented. 


Send proposal here >

Self-funded Residency

For you as an artist / cultural practitioner, it is possible to rent a room at Residens Gunnerud for a short or longer stay to work on your own projects or if you just need to change surroundings for a period. The cost is between 350-500 SEK per night. It is possible to bring family. 


More info & booking here >

Residency Gunnerud include a collaboration between a number of different cultural actors who have a working space in the house; Alma Löv Museum of Unexp Art (museum for contemporary art), Västanå Teater (regional theatre company), Origo Film, Lars Andersson (author), Kari Løvaas (literary scholar / author), Karin Aspenström (novel and screenwriter), Stina Bergman (filmmaker), Mattias Westgård (Soundlab), Staffan Jofjell (photographer), Christofer Bocker (playwright), Alma Manusutbildning (scriptwriting education) and as well the companies Journalia and Nira Lant. 


We also collaborate with many artists and several institutions, such as Riksteatern, Konstfrämjandet, Iaspis, Region Värmland, Kultur på landsbygd among others.

Contact Us

Gunnerud 77,

68696, Östra Ämtervik



+46 70-271 93 70

